Below is a chronological index of known 17th century military manuals sourced from the historical interpreter community as well as bibliographical listings. The links are direct to versions of digital scans of each work.

The list is not as of yet complete, and some known manuals are not listed for want of digital copies. 

Example Format:

  • Link to version 1
  • Link to version 2 (different scan, later version or related text)

16 century manuals were far more concentrated on military theory, orders of troops, shapes of formation etc than with instructions for individual soldiers. De Ghyen’s first manual, The Exercise of Arms was a landmark commission by the Prince of Orange in Holland, quickly translated and distributed to the English and French, but it was bulky, lengthy, and the detailed illustrations made it exorbitantly expensive by comparison. Armies across Europe loved and hated the field purposed but inconveniently heavy and easily knocked about manual that was also meant to be carried in the field. By the 1620’s and 30’s manuals of instruction with many illustrations per page were made, some also illustrated by De Ghyen. Even lower cost additions of these books however, were distributed without the illustrations. Eventually, easier to read, cheaper to print “Abridgements” were the norm for the field. 

For the English, the age of exploration also meant the age military conquest and military defense. Conflicts with native populations in the Americas and India, as well as Catholics nations and their armies, especially the Spanish and Irish, and even the English themselves necessitated a large quantity of manuals. The first royal commissions for guides came in the form of updates and reprints of William Bariffe’s Exercise of Arms, which would be the most common series and copied name of military manuals from the 1640’s into 1700 and even later. 

This being the case, there is little to no documentation about which manuals were preferred by what officers or armies for specific battles or even wars, when what was used etc. 

1600-1604 Observations upon the five first bookes of Cæsars Commentaries

1600 The Art of Gunnery

1602 The Strategems of Jerusalem

1604 Four Paradoxes… concerning military discipline

1604 The Fruites of Long Experience… a looking glass for war

1607 De Gheyn, Exercise of Arms

1610 The Duello or Single Combat

1613 Aphorismes, Civill and Militarie

1614 The Private School of Defense

1615 School for the Young Solider Broadside (Gervase Markham)

1616 The A, B, C of Armes

1616 The Tactiks of AELIAN

1617 The School of the Noble and Worthy Science of Defense

1618 Military Directions

1619 The Souldier Pleading his own Cause

1619 The Art of War and England’s Traynings


  1. 1623
  2. 1635
  3. 1639
  4. 1642
  5. 1642 -Pamphlet without cutts
  6. 1643
  7. 1647
  8. 1648
  9. 1657
  10. 1672
  11. 1680 Abridgement
  12. 1682 Abridgement
  13. 1686 Abridgement
  14. 1688+Fortification
  16. 1689
  17. 1691

1623 Instructions for Muster and Armes

  1. 1623
  2. 1626
  3. 1631

1624 The Gunners Dialogue. With the Art of great Artillery.

  1. 1624
  2. 1628

1624 Mansfield’s Directions of Warre

1625 The Souldiers Accidence (Gervase Markham)

1626 The Character of Warre

1626 The Souldier’s Grammar (Gervase Markham)

1627 Pallas Armada or Militarie Instructions for the Learned

1628 The Gunner Shewing the Whole Practise of Artillerie

1628- [Invention of Shooting Fire Shafts of Long Bowes]

1628 The Prospective Glasse of Warre.

  1. 1628,1639 (Many)

1629 The Military Garden

    1. [sermon of the same name]

1629 The Bible Battels or the Sacred art of Military

1632 Militarie Instructions for the Cavallrie

1632 The Swidish Discpline (Religiuos, Civile and Military)

1634 Warlike Directions or the Souldier’s Practice

  1.                1643
  2.                1644

1634 The Compleat Gentleman

1634 A Discourse of Military Discipline

1635 Dual = Ease

1637 The Principle of the Art of Military Practiced in… the Netherlands

1638 Directions for Musters

*Same descriptions and illustrations as 1623 + series “Instructions for Musters and Arms”

1638 Great Yarmoth’s Exercise

1638 The Art of Fortification

1639 The Compleat Cannonaire

1639 The Art of Warre or Militarie discourses

1639 Fortification or Architecture Military

1640  Warre-fare epitomized, In a Century, of military observations

 1642 The Yong Souldier

  2. 1645

1642  Castrametation, or the measuring out of the quarters for the Encamping of an Army. 

1643 A Compleat School of War

1645 Art of Gunnaery and more Nathaniel Nye

1647 The Souldiers Accompt. (Accounting/Pay)

1650 The Compleat Body of the Art of Military

1655 The Perfect Horseman